Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Orign of the Tournament

After reading Neyer and Epstein's Baseball Dynasties - The Greatest Teams of All time, I thought it would be a great theme for a tournament.  Neyer and Epstein rated these dynasties over a 3 year period, but decided to not use conventional ratings like winning % or Pythagorean.  Instead they decided to use SD (Standard Deviation) in order to show their dominance over their league during that time frame.  The book was published in 2000.  They rated 15 teams.  In order to round out the tournament I decided to add the 2009 Phillies as the 16th team due to their dominance over the NL from 2007-10 and to represent the new milenium.

The tournament will consist of 4 rounds with the first 2 rounds being best of 5 and the final 2 rounds being a best of 7 series.  Official start date is Friday 5/20, but some of the series will be played earlier.  All games will be played h2h online vs 16 different human managers.  You can click here to view the official tournament website.

Let the games begin !!!

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